True Cellular Detox
Toxins and Health
We live in an increasingly toxic world. Although it is good to focus on eating healthily, unfortunately, achieving optimal health cannot solely rely on diet changes. We must also be aware that the environmental toxins, accumulated inflammation, emotional stress, and toxins built up in our body from prenatal to present-day result in interferences to the body’s natural state of healing. The environmental toxins in the air, food, water, and body contribute to our toxic inflammatory burden.
With this, we have to address the root causes of the problem. Do you struggle with reaching your health goals or suffer from a chronic illness? Dr. Yu has a proven methodology and system to help you reach your wellness goals in a more thorough, effective, and time-efficient manner. It would help if you considered our series of treatments to help you set, keep and reach your wellness goals.
True Cellular Detox
The health benefits of our reliable and effective cellular detox protocol
True Cellular Detox is an advanced methodology that gets to the root of all health issues- the cells. Our world is rapidly changing, and we are living in overly toxic and stressful environments. As a result, we need more support than ever before to live healthy lives. This is where the Yu Center of Lifestyle Excellence can help.
What is True Cellular Detox ( TCD )?
As our civilization advances in technology and industry, we are being exposed to new and never before seen toxic and chemicals, at a rate not seen before by our species. Aches and pains begin to occur and we attribute them to the aging process while heavy chemicals and metal begin to rob us of our health. Functional illnesses become commonplace and we look for solutions to the symptoms rather than the causes of our feelings of malaise.
Heavy metals, chemicals, and mold not only lock in physical toxicity but emotional and spiritual toxicity as well.
While our bodies should naturally be able to filter everything out, the reality of today's world is that we do accumulate toxicity in the body, and the accumulated toxicity leads to more complex health issues than ever before. All of this points to one conclusion: heavy metals, chemical toxicity, and environmental pollutants are the missing pieces of the puzzle when it comes to people’s problems with their health.
While detox methods such as a colon cleanse, fasts, enemas and eating high nutrient organic foods will go a long way to begin the healing process it is only a stopgap if you are unable to remove the toxins at the cellular level.
Think of your body as a bucket. Now imagine the toxins that surround us in our daily lives are the liquid that slowly fills that bucket. With each toxic exposure, drop-by-drop, your bucket becomes fuller.
A drop here and there isn’t such a big deal; however, chronic exposure to an onslaught of chemical, physical and emotional stressors fills up your bucket each day, and at some point, the bucket begins to overflow. It may take a few decades before your bucket overspills, but once it does, cellular inflammation is triggered and unwanted symptoms arise.
Cellular Detox is an inspiring new process that constitutes the foundation of a more healthy body, on which other treatments can work much more effectively and quickly. It consists of a combination of technological treatments. Using mild stimulation of key points on the body, with a thoroughly controlled, nutritionally-balanced eating plan, to help the body cleanse itself down to a cellular level.
Why True Cellular Detox (TCD)?
Many of these chemicals are new to our bodies and ever-present in everyday life, filling our buckets drop by drop, shutting down natural cellular detox pathways and even changing our DNA to express disease or unwanted symptoms.
Exposure to chemical, physical and emotional stressors on a daily basis leads to inflammation. As a part of our daily lives, we are continuously exposed to harmful chemicals and metals. True Cellular Detox coupled with your commitment to your health, begins to remove the chemicals and metals toxins already in your body allowing the body to begin to heal itself bringing back the sense of wellness and well being you long for and deserve.
True Cellular Detox IS FOR YOU IF YOU HAVE:
Weight loss resistance
Brain fog
Hormone dysregulation
Thyroid dysfunction
Poor digestion
IBS or bloated tummy
Headaches and migraine
Chronic illnesses that cannot be explained
Low stress tolerance
Muscle or joint pain
Temperature dysregulation
Depression or emotional mood swings
Trouble sleeping
Slow recovery from sickness
True Cellular Detox involves three phases:
(1) Prep phase - The Prep phase targets detox pathways to support cellular function and strengthen the pathways.
(2) Body phase - Removes toxins from cellular cleveland sets up concentration gradient to move toxin from deeper tissues stores such as the brain.
3) Brain phase. Clears deeper bio- accumulated neurotoxins that lead to most symptoms.
Note: All three components and three phases should be implemented for lasting results.
Having the proper detoxification knowledge doesn’t mean that you can do it on your own, particularly if you are struggling with sickness for a long time without any relief. We can guide you reliably and effectively through the process of True Cellular Detox..
Let us help you achieve optimum health. Request a consultation today or book your free 15-minute phone call to find out if I’m the right fit for you and help you decide.
Remove Toxic Metals and Totally Transform Your Body
Let us help you get to the very root of your health issues today
Ready to book?
See how True Cellular Detox can help you, by booking your free 15-minute brief consultation.
I have completed True Cellular Detox™ and 2 brain phases. I have noticed an overall improvement in my physical well being; the chronic indigestion symptoms are much improved. Most importantly, my mental clarity has improved significantly, and the “brain fog” has lifted.
— TCD Patient
I was sick for a long time. Thanks to True Cellular Detox™, I have been able to start eating food again. I feel blessed that I have been led to this program, which has transformed my life. I have great things happening and plan to repeat the program until I have optimal health, which I have never had since birth. There is new hope thanks to this gift!
— TCD Patient
The absolute greatest change I have noticed since going through the True Cellular Detox™ program is that I am sleeping through the night for the first time in years. I also notice my ability to handle stress has improved dramatically. My overall happiness level is up.
— TCD Patient